This site was challenging and fun to make both from design and development perspectives. Visually we were supposed to convey the beauty-inside and musical soul of Laura. The elegant and crisp solution we came up with were pink splashes of water color. We’ve applied white stencils and b&w photos to them, and voila – expressive yet clean design was born.
Technically, it was quite a struggle to implement audio player, which had to a. be managed from admin panel, b. be cross platform (iOS, we are looking at you!), and c. allow social sharing. After extensive search and tweaking we have found the great MP3-jPlayer, which combined all 3 functions.
On top of that, the site is fully responsive, is in 3 languages, features guest book, video, and photo gallery functionalities.
Cross platform & fully responsive

Full length Home page screenshot

Audio page screenshot
This was a real pleasure testing the player – listening to Laura singing!