We are happy to announce that we’ve launched (finally 🙂 ) a cool in-house project we’ve been working on for the past 2 month. It is a math game for children of 5 – 10 years (pre-school and elementary school).
The project started more in-house than many projects do. It has actually started in the family, springing from the need for some fun, yet thorough way to train our in-house first grader in elementary math.
First version of the game was created in a form of Excel macros. The results junior got with this game were more then encouraging! Math became an A-subject at school!!! Pretty soon friends of the family began asking for a more accessible and good looking version for their children to use too. And so, we’ve made www.mathgame5-10.com with a JavaScript game. Now the game is available in 3 languages: English, Romanian, and Russian. It can be played on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smart phones (yeah, responsive layout:)).

We will quote a bit of game help here.
This game is a very effective help for any child who learns elementary mathematics. So, it is for children between 5 and 10. But if kids are interested in math at a younger age, they can use this game as well.
This game works really fast. You will be surprised how quickly children will learn things they might have trouble dealing with before.
You can choose between several types of operations:
- Addition, Subtraction or combination of Addition + Subtraction :
- Up to 10
- Up to 20 only by regrouping (addition of two numbers between 0 and 10, with result greater than 10 / subtraction of two numbers, one between 10 and 20, another between 0 and 10, with the result between 0 and 10)
- Up to 20 with or without regrouping
- Up to 30
- Up to 100
- Multiplication, Division or combination of Multiplication + Division:
- By 1, 2, 3, … up to 10, in any combination you want
- Comparisons:
- Greater , Less or Equal
The coolest find of ours was the awards system. This game does not display a dancing character or confetti and boing-boing if the kid wins. Instead you can set 2 prizes (first and consolation prize) yourself. This way kids get seriously motivated, because they knows that they’ll physically get something they really likes! Like a candy bar, or an extra hour of cartoons.
Percentage threshold for the first and second prizes can also be set by kid’s parents.
But enough said:). We invite you to go and play, instead of doing this!